Salvation Testimonies


Patrick O’Brien

I was four years old when I accepted Christ as my Savior.  I don't remember all the details, but I do remember the most important things. That night, I had disobeyed my mother, and I felt guilty for it.  I knew I had also disobeyed God, and I would not be able to go to heaven because of my sin.  My parents had taught me about salvation, but I did not understand it until then.  Christ took my punishment for me!  I knelt by my parent's bed as my mother was getting ready to go to the store.  I closed my eyes and prayed.  I asked God to forgive me of my sin, and Christ to be my Savior.  I know He did forgive me and save me.  Of course, I did not understand all the doctrines of Salvation, but I understood what was most important -- I needed the Salvation which is only freely offered through Jesus Christ. 

Emily O’Brien 

I had the wonderful opportunity to be raised in a Christian home by Godly parents. They were very careful to raise my sister and I to love God and to enjoy serving Him.  I made a profession of faith in Christ when I was five.  I struggled throughout my teen years with doubting my salvation.  During my junior year at Ambassador Baptist College, I was convicted about my need of salvation.  After a revival service at my church, I went back to my dorm room and asked God to forgive me from my sin and to save me from eternity in Hell.  For so many years I had relied upon my good works and sincere intentions.  Psalm 25:20 was instrumental in my receiving Christ.  I did not want to die and go to Hell for fear of what others would think.  Since January 21, 2003, I have not once doubted my salvation and I have a different view of sin.  Instead of having the attitude of "I'll do better next time," I realize that my sin is against an Holy God from whom I must ask forgiveness.  I am so thankful for my salvation and for God's patience with me.